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Finally A Proven System Created For Teenagers To Teach Them How To Get Motivated, Develop Confident Communication Skills, and Set Inspiring Goals That They Want To Achieve.
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Creating success in school, athletics, and in life requires a strong understanding of each of the 7 secrets you will find inside the pages of this simple and actionable book. 

Here's a sneak peek at what's inside... 

  •  The Formula to instantly change your mood from unhappy to positive and motivated. 
  • ​Discover the what habits holding you back from becoming the amazing person your were born to be. 
  • ​How To find and define success for yourself so you can create a life that excites and motivates you to work hard. 
  • ​The 3 rules of effective communication, so that you can get your point across clearly and effectively without feeling like you comprised your feeling. 
  • ​​​​​How to find and define success for yourself so you can create a life that excites and motivates you to work hard. 
  Student Success Secrets is a thoughtfully and well written motivational guide for people of all ages but its success at speaking to its target young readers is beautifully executed! This Book should be utilized in every household and school! This book teaches young people what success really means, the value of planning for success, strategies for overcoming obstacles and how to grow from perceived failures and many other important lessons and tips for navigating through the dreaded teen years. 

Most importantly it aims to teach teens that no matter where you begin life or wherever you come from success attainable when you put your mind to it and utilize the 7 secrets from this book.
Review: Raul & Lorna Calderon - South Florida,
Parents of 2 Teenagers
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